Thursday, January 5, 2017

PROTEC works

The most rewarding part of being a teacher is keeping in touch with students and following their success. I am proud to be a founder of the PROTEC program along with Ann Black, Director for Grants at SFCC and Jeff Barela at Local Northern Area Workforce Development Board. With the support of many folks in economic development and in local government we have been able to offer short-term accelerated education programs that are about building opportunity for Santa Fe County residents. Kudos to Santa Fe County for recognizing the potential of non-traditional education in our community.

Most recently an alumna from the 2015 PROTEC program sent me this email;

From: Sylvana Chavez
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 1:37 AM
To: Monique Anair
Subject: Hello it is Sylvana Chavez

Im not sure if you remember me but I just wanted to say thank you for the support you and the PROTEC team gave me last year... I truly believe that you all helped me set a foundation for myself and my family... Thanks to you and the program I believe in myself and you guys helped me not be afraid of computers :) but most of all you helped me to believe in myself that I could do anything I set my mind to...

Thank you,
Sylvana Chavez and family

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Interested in what is happening this January 2017 with PROTEC?

Join us on our FB Workpage to follow participants and what they are accomplishing

Getting Ready for PROTEC!

An empty studio is waiting for PROTEC to begin today! 

The 30-hour classroom intensive will take PROTEC participants through hands-on training in preparation for workforce jobs that combine the skills of filmmaking and social media. Providing multiple pathways PROTEC participants can explore jobs in traditional film production, editing and social media marketing. 

Santa Fe County believes in new industries and especially in the film and media industries that have become more than 4% of the jobs now available in Santa Fe County. PROTEC gives SF County residents a chance to ply their skills in multiple lessons and tasks and work with media professionals to explore the possibilities of working in these areas. After the 30-hour intensive PROTEC participants will work 70 hours on-the-job putting to work what they have learned.