Monday, October 16, 2017

Feedback Screening for Battle of Glorieta film

Introduction speech for film (PROTEC) feedback screening by Monique Anair, Historias Conference, Northern New Mexico College - October 13, 2017

Thank you to everyone for coming out tonight. The film we will be screening this evening has been in production since January and we are looking forward to your feedback tonight on the film. We will be handing out cards and pencils for you to write down questions and comments and at the conclusion of the screening we will have some time to have a dialog with filmmaker Doug Crawford and consultant for the film Dr. Steve Martinez.

The title of this screening is Untold Stories. This project started with the question, why are some stories not told in today’s media while others control the airwaves? Mary Celeste Kearny, who has studied the lack of women’s stories in the media stated that any population that does not have the skills and opportunity to tell their own stories, does not have the access to training, resources and means for distribution, will be marginalized in the mainstream media.

Monique Anair with audience after film screening at Northern New Mexico College
Any stories that remain untold are in danger of being lost. Keith Basso, an UNM professor of anthropology who worked with the Western Apache in New Mexico and Arizona said “the knowledge of places is closely linked to knowledge of the self, to grasping one's position in the larger scheme of things, including one's own community, and to securing a confident sense of who one is as a person.” So often when we lose our stories we lose a sense of who we are and where we have come from.

Dr. Alicia Chavez, who teaches at University of New Mexico, born and raised in Taos, studies the unique blending of culture and the importance of personal story in creating a culture of inclusion. In her book, Teaching Across Cultural Strengths, Alicia points to the rich storytelling culture that resides in Northern New Mexico and the example it provides for education; a powerful tool for integrating culture, respect and engagement.

In New Mexico, there is a unique opportunity for New Mexicans to tell their story, in their own words and images. I feel that the film we watch tonight is the first of many films that could be produced by our students at New Mexico colleges and universities.
This film was produced in partnership with many organizations. The beginnings of the film were developed through the Professional Readiness and Technical Experience for Careers program. PROTEC is a pre-employment program sponsored by Santa Fe County and developed by Santa Fe Community College. The production of the film was sponsored in part by the McCune Foundation, the Friends of the Pecos Historic National Monument, Doug Crawford and the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area. What you see tonight is an effort not of one person but of over 50 people from Northern New Mexico dedicated to education, history and culture. You will see many of their names in the credits.

In this film you will hear and see the story behind the Battle of Glorieta. For 155 years, the New Mexicans who participated in the battle that turned the tide for the United States union army have remained unrecognized. Lack of recognition for historical contributions is not a unique story for native New Mexicans. Globally, minority and female populations are easily overlooked in the canon of history. In 2015 the Friends of the Pecos National Historical Monument set about to rectify this injustice and gained the support from the National Park Service to erect a monument honoring the New Mexico volunteers who fought in the Battle of Glorieta. 

Funds allocated through the New Mexico legislature by State Representative Jim Trujillo have been used to produce a monument that will be erected later this year near the battle field site along Route 50 outside of Pecos. Knowing the power that comes from using film and media, the Friends’ group wanted to produce a documentary telling the story of these men and their families. This film we are screening tonight is the first of five proposed films that will follow the stories of these men and their families. The film tonight is an introduction to the complex history of why this group of New Mexicans felt compelled to support the union cause.

Dr. Steve Martinez from Santa Fe Community College worked with students in the PROTEC program to uncover the stories leading up to and surrounding the of the Battle of Glorieta. Students developed the story timeline and worked on shooting and editing the film with New Mexico born filmmaker Doug Crawford. The unique historical timeline reveals decisive moments in Northern New Mexico history that influenced the birthing of a young and often troubled nation; the United States of America.

In 1862, during the height of the American Civil War, a group of New Mexican men volunteered their lives to fight on the side of the Union Army in the Battle of Glorieta, a battle that is often called the Gettysburg of the West. The victory effectively prevented the Confederacy from obtaining trade routes to the Pacific Ocean turning the tide of history in the American Southwest. The story is not about a single person or hero, it is a story that reaches back to Mexican Independence, the doctrine of Padre Martinez and the passion, pride and culture unique to Northern New Mexico.

New Mexico legislators have spent the last twelve years aggressively attracting Hollywood to our state creating a vibrant film industry that continues to reflect a vibrant part of Northern New Mexico’s economy. With the resources that have been established, local partnerships and the state’s focus on film and media, unique opportunities exist for our communities to make and distribute media projects told from our own voices. We believe the partnerships that helped produce this film, that you will watch tonight, are the beginning of a wonderful collaboration.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the film.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Making movies in Northern New Mexico. Collaboration is the key.

Daniel Padilla, actor, personality and writer posing for the moment.

Daniel Padilla and Aaron Lopez are two local guys from Espanola. Two local guys with big plans. Daniel and Aaron are both attending the Northern New Mexico College film program working with local filmmaker and lead faculty David Lindblom on their course work. But they are a far cry from your normal college student. Now that they got their feet wet in the arts and technology there is no stopping them.

Aaron Lopez behind the scenes, in the directors chair.
“We were already working in radio, shooting videos and getting a lot of things rolling,” says filmmaker and business owner Aaron Lopez. “PROTEC got us thinking about starting a business and taking it to the next level.” Aaron has created Aaron Leon Film, a production company for film and media. Aaron has three projects in production in Espanola,a small city located in one of the most beautiful valleys in northern New Mexico. Aaron has partnered with the local community to document the work being done to prevent child abuse and is independently working on a documentary to bring awareness about opioid addiction and prevention.

Daniel Padilla has been working across the state on films as an actor. He has recently played parts on Night Shift, Graves and Waco. All the films are New Mexico-based productions, part of the overall NM film industry boom that is projected to bring in over 300 million in direct spending to the state in 2017. Daniel is finding plenty to engage in. “I am so busy. I have a speaking role coming up on a film in October, I am working with Aaron on his business and I have one more semester to complete at Northern New Mexico College.”

Most recently Daniel and Aaron partnered to pen a theatrical play, 12 Switches, which was showcased at the New Mexico History Museum as part of the Lowrider Summer events in Santa Fe. “I think this is the first ever play about lowrider culture. I was the music creator for the play and it was a blast,” states Daniel.

Both Aaron and Daniel are using PROTEC skills in exploring business partnerships, to get work in the film business, promote themselves and the many radio, theater and film projects they are getting rolling in Espanola. Most recently they integrated their radio show, The Nemmy Show, with Northern New Mexico College. Request lines are open!

“We want to showcase the quality film work we can do here in Northern New Mexico. Sometimes Espanola gets a bad rap. We want to showcase the potential, how we can be entrepreneurs and bring business to our community.” Aaron and Daniel are both committed to hiring locals and have found a lot of talent in their film school program. “We are part of the film crew that works in Northern New Mexico,” says Daniel, citing their program at Northern New Mexico College as being a catalyst for getting a lot of their projects rolling. “Hands on production is a great way to learn. At Northern we get a chance to apply the skills we learn and put them to work.”

Daniel and Aaron plan to keep making movies and serving the community they live in. Says Daniel, “We both have a love for music. We both work in radio and we both see how we can combine live performance, with film and music. It is just the beginning.”

The energy these two guys are putting into their work is contagious and just chatting with them you get an idea that the sky is the limit. “We plan to put a lot of work into getting this business running,” says Aaron who is in final semester at Northern New Mexico College. “I have put other things, like my acting career, on hold right now because now is the time to make movies in New Mexico. And Daniel and I are doing just that.” Best of luck to Aaron and Daniel. I have no doubt we will see their names on a marquee at a theater near you very soon!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

What do successful workforce training programs look like?

Recently Jobs for the Future released their seven principles for effective work-based learning. I am often asked what we are doing in education to support new industry and quick skill advancement for our community. PROTEC supports the workforce future we want for Santa Fe. PROTEC is a model for effective work-based learning. Here is how we are doing this in Santa Fe, New Mexico right now;

Support entry and advancement in a career track – PROTEC is designed to work in tandem with employers and workforce agencies as a customized education program that provides interested citizens or current employees with a safe, supportive environment to adopt new skills quickly and practice those skills in on-the-job training.

Provide meaningful job tasks that build career skills and knowledge – PROTEC participants are not-merely modeling future jobs they are actually working on projects and within local companies that value their skills. Employers who offer training to hire opportunities allow new workers a tangible pathway. There are no false promises in meaningful on-the-job training opportunities.

Offer compensation Identify target skills and how gains will be validated – PROTEC is committed to offering participants training stipends and to finding compensation that supports new workers and employers during the training period. Direct pathways for skill development and increased compensation are defined by participating employers. This gives new workers a guideline to see how their commitment equates pay and advancement.

Reward skill development – PROTEC combines industry recognized certifications with skills-based training. New workers can easily identify how their commitment to training leads to certification in skills that employers value. Personal confidence is the one defining factor that ALL PROTEC participants exhibit post-program completion.

Support college entry, persistence, and completion – PROTEC is a champion of non-traditional education however we are aware that degree completers are 67% more successful navigating the job market. Often persistence to completion is an indicator that an employee will “stay the path” in their job. Employers want employees that see the value of skill advancement. Traditional education offers opportunities to higher paying career pathways. PROTEC works with students to find higher education opportunities that directly benefit their chosen pathway. PROTEC helps students navigate an often complicated secondary education system and financial aid system.

Provide comprehensive student supports – PROTEC is housed within Santa Fe Community College. SFCC provides extensive wrap-around support services that help students navigate childcare, eldercare, family services, post-traumatic stress, substance abuse counseling, poverty and food insecurity. These support systems are essential to helping students “stay the path” when personal problems may seem insurmountable. PROTEC provides an integrated environment that operates like an extended family.

PROTEC has spent two pilot years offering skills-training in Information Technology, Microsoft Technical Assistant, Social Media and Video Production. 40 participants have worked with 15 employers with a job placement rate of 80%. This test of what we can do has proven that Santa Fe can meet the jobs for the future. Partnerships between business, government and education are essential for success. PROTEC is an education program that is ready and able to assist business and government in making our dreams for meaningful jobs for Santa Feans a reality.

For more information about PROTEC programs visit

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Navigating the camera department

Fiore on set with "OM + ME", an independent film, that shot recently in Albuquerque. (photo courtesy of

Claudio "Fiore" Fiordellisi graduated May 2016 from the Institute of American Indian Arts with his BFA degree. Degree fresh in hand Fiore was ready to get employed. His passion has always been photography and knowing the challenges of getting into the field of cinematography Fiore has looked for network opportunities.

"PROTEC has been invaluable for networking. My hope was to build my network. And I feel I have really gotten a chance to do that." Fiore's experience on camera has been invaluable for the PROTEC program. Fiore has camera assisted and run second camera for Santa Fe Filmworks in Santa Fe and Albuquerque and he hopes to have more opportunities to work on the documentary The Battle of Glorieta this summer. "I have extensive experience working on commercial and wedding photography. My goal is to build a client base so that I can offer multiple services. I also have a dream of working in the camera department on bigger films coming to New Mexico."

For recent graduates having a network of professionals is important. Getting those first few opportunities to apply your skills in the workplace helps provide direction. Formal and informal networks for film students exist in the state. 16% of  Santa Fe Community College film school grads pursue union work on feature films in New Mexico, while more than 35% strike out on their own creating small business. An example of Fiore's work can be found at

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Post-Production with Santa Fe Filmworks

Jane Phillips and Lauren Gibbons editing at Santa Fe Filmworks, LLC

Rolling into Post-Production

PROTEC-ers are now assembling footage from a month of shooting and retrieving photos from state archives. By May 5th a trailer will be assembled along with a treatment for the documentary project the participants have been building with filmmaker Doug Crawford.

The documentary project is being funded in part by the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area and the Friends of the Pecos National Historic Monument. The documentary will focus on the roots of democracy in New Mexico that precede US Occupation in the 1800's. Santa Fe County provided funds in January 2017 to develop the PROTEC training program and offer hands-on skill building classes that PROTEC graduates are now putting to work throughout Northern New Mexico. 

Jane and Lauren (picture above) have dedicated over 70 hours over the last 3 months outside their normal jobs to the project. "My hope is that I can find work producing and creating films in Santa Fe," says Jane Phillips. Jane is currently taking classes at Santa Fe Community College and will complete a certificate in film production this summer. Lauren who currently works in Albuquerque for event planning hopes to apply her theater degree along with post-production and sound design skills in making more media projects and starting her own business. "I would love to be full-time in Santa Fe working in post-production. Doug has been a good mentor and watching how he manages his freelance work is invaluable for understanding how I can start my own career."

Other PROTEC-ers are participating in event and public service projects at Northern New Mexico College where they attend undergraduate programs, working with KLA Concepts, LLC planning social media campaigns for the documentary project, and working on films shooting in Santa Fe County. During the next few months we will feature what PROTEC grads are up to! Stay tuned to learn more.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Learning about the Civil War in New Mexico

March 25, 2017 was the 155th anniversary of the Battle of Glorieta that took place in and around lands in stewardship by the Pecos National Historic Park. Considered a decisive battle for the Union Army the Battle of Glorieta is often coined the "Gettysburg of the West".

Under the mentorship of Doug Crawford (far left) participants from the PROTEC program were able to film at the event and capture part of the black powder demonstrations. For many of the students it brought to life the history they have been studying with Dr. Steve Martinez. The PROTEC participants are currently studying New Mexico history from 1821 to 1865 in an effort to develop a comprehensive story of the role of the New Mexico Volunteers who helped win the Battle of Glorieta for the Union.

"I am so lucky my family supports my passion," writes Cedric Griego, a SFCC film graduate and now a participant in the PROTEC program. Griego attended the event with his daughter and granddaughter. Griego has created a detailed production book that is helping in building the documentary that the PROTEC students are producing and shooting with Santa Fe Filmworks and Santa Fe Community College. Griego is using his skills to write and produce local films focused on Santa Fe stories. He also wants to provide more jobs for local filmmakers.

By the end of April 2017 the filmmakers will have a trailer completed to show to supporters of the project. On April 8th PROTEC teachers and students will present their work to date and continuing progress to the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area board at their monthly meeting in Espanola. The NRGNHA is a one of the fiscal sponsors of the project and is interested in the historical and cultural research the students are performing in their effort to tell the story of New Mexicans who fought at the Battle of Glorieta.

Later this year Santa Fe County will erect a monument to honor the New Mexico Volunteers. The monument will stand between the two monuments on Highway 50 in Pecos that honor soldiers from both Texas and Colorado who participated in the Battle of Glorieta.

PROTEC participants are happy to bring this important story to light through the documentary they are helping research and write. "We have a wonderful group of dedicated filmmakers," says mentor, Doug Crawford. "It has been a pleasure to work with them and begin the process of telling this New Mexico story."

Friday, March 17, 2017

PROTEC in the field with Santa Fe Filmworks

Juan Carlos Cucalon taking a much needed break in a 10 hour-day shooting in and around Albuquerque March 14, 2007.

Update: Professional Readiness and Technical Experience for Careers PROTEC
On March 14th three PROTEC grads worked as crew on a broadcast television documentary with Producer Christopher Shuler and Cinematographer Doug Crawford. The film will focus on children living in poverty and nutrition equity in New Mexico which will premiere this summer on network television.

Claudio Fiordellisi, Lauren Giboons and Juan Carlos Cucalon worked with Doug Crawford under the umbrella of his company Santa Fe Filmworks, LLC. Crawford believes that a combination of accelerated skills training with on-the-job application helps novice filmmakers get the right combination of experience they need. “It is great to work on-set with new filmmakers and let them gain the practical knowledge essential for understanding what it takes to produce high-quality storytelling.”

For Claudio “Fiore” Fiordellisi working with Crawford builds on the skills he learned over the last four years at Santa Fe Community College and the Institute for American Indian Art. “Working with Santa Fe Filmworks and the PROTEC program has reinforced my pursuing a career in filmmaking, especially the importance of documentary filmmaking.”

Juan Carlos Cucalon has experience in social media and is studying filmmaking this semester at Santa Fe Community College. Juan Carlos is hoping to be an independent media director and has found PROTEC a good match for accelerating his skill-sets. “This kind of work makes you feel good about yourself and working with a knowledgeable crew is priceless.”

Lauren Gibbons has technical theater training and currently works an audio-visual technician. “The overall feel of making a documentary and workflow was great. Knowing what you want and what you want to get done, being on that tight schedule and being organized is essential with filmmaking.” She also likes the combination of training she has could achieve with PROTEC. Part of the experience is being able to ask the right questions to find the right training for the jobs you are interested in pursuing. “I really look forward to using my skills,” says Lauren. On the shoot, she worked as a camera assistant and had a chance to operate the camera as well.

PROTEC is a customized training program created in partnership with Santa Fe County, the Northern Area Local Workforce Development Board and Santa Fe Community College. The program combines accelerated classroom training, Work Keys assessments, with on-the-job experience. Starting in January 2017 Santa Fe County focused their training efforts on film industry workforce with a focus in building skills for careers in social media specialist pathways. A social media specialist combines the skills of filmmaking, storytelling, marketing, entrepreneurship and information technology to help businesses and organizations utilize online platforms like FaceBook and LinkedIn effectively. For more information about the PROTEC program call program coordinator, Monique Anair, at (505) 428-1738.

To check out Juan Carlos' slide show from the shoot link here BTS with Juan Carlos

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Celebrating accomplishments

Sam, Brenda, Letizia and Lauren - PROTEC 2017 (photo credit: Juan Carlos Cucalon)

It is not easy working or going to school full-time and committing to an additional 30 hours of training, in something new, for two weeks. But everybody in PROTEC did an amazing job completing their training in January and are now fully engaged in the developing a film about the New Mexico Volunteers who fought in the Battle of Glorieta 155 years ago. For the last month PROTEC graduates have met every Friday to work with Director/DP Doug Crawford, Historian Dr. Steve Martinez and Social Media expert Kendra Arnold to make the documentary film they are envisioning a reality.

As the weeks roll from development, to pre-production, to shooting on location and editing we will keep you posted on the individual journeys of these amazing 19 Santa Fe County residents and their commitment to telling this important story from New Mexico's history.

Very little has been shared about the Battle of Glorieta, which is dubbed the "Gettysburg of the West" and the participation of the New Mexico residents who fought on the side of the Union Army in 1862. You can follow the progress of the film on Battle of Glorieta Pass FaceBook page.

To see how the recent graduates spent their 30 hours at Santa Fe Community College check out this video.

Questions about PROTEC? Email us at

Thursday, January 5, 2017

PROTEC works

The most rewarding part of being a teacher is keeping in touch with students and following their success. I am proud to be a founder of the PROTEC program along with Ann Black, Director for Grants at SFCC and Jeff Barela at Local Northern Area Workforce Development Board. With the support of many folks in economic development and in local government we have been able to offer short-term accelerated education programs that are about building opportunity for Santa Fe County residents. Kudos to Santa Fe County for recognizing the potential of non-traditional education in our community.

Most recently an alumna from the 2015 PROTEC program sent me this email;

From: Sylvana Chavez
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 1:37 AM
To: Monique Anair
Subject: Hello it is Sylvana Chavez

Im not sure if you remember me but I just wanted to say thank you for the support you and the PROTEC team gave me last year... I truly believe that you all helped me set a foundation for myself and my family... Thanks to you and the program I believe in myself and you guys helped me not be afraid of computers :) but most of all you helped me to believe in myself that I could do anything I set my mind to...

Thank you,
Sylvana Chavez and family

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Interested in what is happening this January 2017 with PROTEC?

Join us on our FB Workpage to follow participants and what they are accomplishing

Getting Ready for PROTEC!

An empty studio is waiting for PROTEC to begin today! 

The 30-hour classroom intensive will take PROTEC participants through hands-on training in preparation for workforce jobs that combine the skills of filmmaking and social media. Providing multiple pathways PROTEC participants can explore jobs in traditional film production, editing and social media marketing. 

Santa Fe County believes in new industries and especially in the film and media industries that have become more than 4% of the jobs now available in Santa Fe County. PROTEC gives SF County residents a chance to ply their skills in multiple lessons and tasks and work with media professionals to explore the possibilities of working in these areas. After the 30-hour intensive PROTEC participants will work 70 hours on-the-job putting to work what they have learned.